
Sweet Sixteen

You grew in my belly
So near to my heart
I knew that I loved you
Right from the start
Now you're sixteen
So tender and sweet
In my little world
You're branded a treat
I see you maturing
And I want to hold on
But I have to let go
For you to be strong
Strong in the essence
Of who you should be
While remaining the treasure
That you are to me
Copyright Mary Jane Gonzales


The Battery Died

I started a poem
And ended with two,
As words on the page
Exponentially grew.
But, as luck would have it,
Sleep knocked at my door.
Then the battery died
And the words were no more.
I could not believe,
When I woke the next day,
My computer had acted
In such a strange way.
Normally the data
Would quickly restore
When powering up
The computer once more.
But lost are the words
I wrote in a blog,
Surrendered to sleep
Surrounded by fog.
Copyright Mary Jane Gonzales