
Love In Your Soul

Love is the feeling you have in your soul
When Jesus, the Savior, has control.
The Father in Heaven cleanses our sin
When we ask Jesus to enter in.
Our sin is exchanged for His righteousness
And wholeness replaces our emptiness.
Copyright Mary Jane Gonzales


Contest Submissions

Submissions are coming
But I've only got four.
Requiring ten,
Means I still need more.
Remember the prize
As your incentive.
To the contest winner
I'll readily give.
Copyright Mary Jane Gonzales


In Other People's Shoes

We never know what life is like
In other people’s shoes.
Although we talk and share,
We may not have a clue.
Despite the commonality
Of symptoms and such,
We all have other issues
That make our life more tough.
So each is individual,
Unique to only us.
And living without judgement
Would really be a plus!

Copyright Mary Jane Gonzales

How Lovely the Moment, How Lovely the Lord

How lovely the moment
When we in our prayer
Can sense your sweet presence
And genuine care
How special the times
Of intimacy
When confiding in you
And being set free
How awesome the power
We see in your hand
The works of the spirit
And marvelous plan
How sweet is the victory
That we can receive
If deep in our hearts
We truly believe

Copyright Mary Jane Gonzales


Your Call

May my life be unassuming,
Unoffensive or humble.
Since this is life after the fall,
May I not tumble.
May I meet your expectations
And may I with you stand tall.
May the good that people see in me
Be known to be your call.

Copyright Mary Jane Gonzales


Are You Game?

I thought I would write
To see who is game
For a poetry contest
Yet again
The prize is the same
But the topic is new
So write about "Friendship"
And what it means to you
Make sure that it rhymes
And comes from the heart
The sooner you send it
The sooner we'll start
Don't post it online
That's done at the end
Once the winner's announced
We'll show to your friends
Just send it through e-mail
To qualify you
And hope that the judges
Like what you do
Copyright Mary Jane Gonzales